Tolmin: Citizens for a greener city
Project: Climate Action in Alpine Towns
The Slovenian town of Tolmin decided to make its centre greener as their contribution to the ‘Climate Action in Alpine Towns’ pilot. One hotspot – in the truest sense of the word – is a large, asphalted car park which was interspersed with trees in autumn 2022.
The city also implemented communication measures and involved the population with accompanying workshops and events: for example, the screening of a documentary followed by a discussion in which additional interesting facts about climate change were presented. This was followed up by an exhibition and further workshops. In addition, a new book corner offers publications on the topics of urban green spaces and climate change in general.
A brochure illustrating the effects of planting trees in the urban area was also published. It shows the benefits beyond the aesthetic aspects: they have ecological functions, they provide shade, oxygen, cooling, air filter and noise reduction.