Strong together: How towns and municipalities are driving forward climate protection
The ‘Climate & Municipalities’ webinar on 13 January 2025 provided an overview of innovative approaches and proven measures in the field of climate action, specifically tailored to the challenges and potential of Alpine towns and municipalities.
15/01/2025 -
Webinars for towns & municipalities
Dealing with the climate crisis, preserving biodiversity and ensuring quality of life are key issues for many towns and municipalities in the Alpine region. That is why we invite you to exchange ideas on these topics across borders!
18/12/2024 -
Nature restoration: an opportunity for cities and municipalities
How can cities and municipalities actively contribute to the restoration of nature? This question was the focus of the webinar ‘Nature Restoration and Municipalities’, which was organised by the two networks Alliance in the Alps and Alpine Town of the Year on 12 December 2024.
13/12/2024 -
New input at the second General Assembly 2024
Numerous members of the association gathered in Nova Gorica/SL at the end of September for the general assembly to discuss current issues and actively shape the future of the association.
30/10/2024 -
AlpWeek 2024: time for action
A look back, a look forwards: twenty years after the first AlpWeek, the eighth edition of the international conference brought over 200 people to Nova Gorica/SL to discuss what is important in the development of the Alpine region. The ‘Alpine Town of the Year’ association was involved in the preparations, realisation and follow-up of the Alpine Week, which also included our general meeting.
30/09/2024 -
Reading Mountains Festival 2024
Once a year, the Alpine Convention pays tribute to the cultural heritage in the Alps with the Alpine-wide ‘Reading Mountains Festival’, which consists of a mosaic of events organised by our partners throughout the Alpine region and beyond.
04/09/2024 -
AlpWeek 2024: Alps in our hands
Which successes, initiatives and policies have influenced the sustainable development of the Alps in the last 20 years? How do we shape the next 20 years? Two decades after the first AlpWeek in Kranjska Gora/SI, the 8th edition will take place in September 2024 in Nova Gorica/SL.
20/06/2024 -
European elections: strengthen Alpine towns as front-runners
Das alpine Siedlungssystem kann in vielerlei Hinsicht auf seinen sozioökonomischen Stärken aufbauen: Die demografische Entwicklung ist positiver als in vielen anderen europäischen Regionen.
31/05/2024 -
Exciting programme in Cuneo
Culture, exchange and Alpine identity: the city of Cuneo in Piedmont is celebrating its title of Alpine Town of the Year 2024 as part of the Cuneo Montagna Festival (Mountain Festival) with the motto “AnimAlpina”.
24/04/2024 -
Reading Mountains Festival 2023
Every year, the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention pays tribute to the literary and cultural heritage in the Alps with the “Reading Mountains Festival”, which consists of a mosaic of events organised by our partners throughout the Alpine region and beyond.