Trento: Turning brownfields into forests
Project: Climate Action in Alpine Towns
For the Italian city of Trento, brownfield sites hold untapped potential for heat reduction. As part of the pilot action, an undeveloped area in the Canova district was greened and is to be transformed into an urban forest. The central goal was to use this area as a model to involve and sensitise the population, especially young people and socially disadvantaged groups.
The city partnered with three local initiatives and associations, who are already active in the district. In a participatory process, the project team and the population worked on the redesign and greening of the 4,500 square metre area. In meetings they informed and sensitised representatives of the city council and of relevant offices on the issues. In addition, several public events were held: Together with pupils, the heat islands were identified with the help of drones. Collective walks, planting campaigns and a workshop conveyed the scientific aspects. About three hundred people took part in the activities and around 30 people were involved in the project team.