Biella is Alpine Town of the Year 2021
The city of Biella/Piemont (Italy) has been officially named “Alpine City of the Year 2021” by an international jury. The first official international meeting took place online on 2 December 2020. A live ceremony will follow in May 2021 at the latest, if the coronavirus situation allows it. However, this does not prevent the delegation from Biella from rolling up their sleeves and getting down to work immediately.
“We are delighted that our town can boast the title of Alpine Town of the Year 2021”, says Mayor Corradino with thanks. “Being part of an international network together with other Alpine towns represents an impulse and an opportunity for Biella to continue to follow the path of sustainable development in the future”, Corradino continues. “We are convinced that cooperation, exchanges and the objectives of Agenda 2030 for sustainable development can be benchmarks for the development of our territory”.
The title is awarded to Biella and its 44,000 inhabitants for what they have achieved so far and for their future commitment in accordance with the guiding principles of the Alpine Convention. In its statement of reasons, the international jury of the association emphasised the role of the town in relation to its rural surroundings and recognised its commitment not only in terms of the sustainability objectives for projects affecting its mountain area, but also for projects for the urban area.
In addition, Biella has been awarded the title of “UNESCO Creative City” in 2019 and has joined the UNESCO Creative City Network, a network whose aim is to connect cities around the world for the exchange of experiences in the field of art and culture.
Looking ahead to next year, although the dates may change due to the ongoing pandemic, the city of Biella has planned several initiatives, including a ceremony with all the other Alpine towns in conjunction with the annual conference of the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA), the culinary event “Saperi e Sapori delle Alpi Biellesi”, the International Festival of Photography and the Festival of Sustainability.