The goal of the Alpine Space Project “ALPSTAR, Toward Carbon Neutral Alps – Make Best Practice Minimum Standard”, was to achieve climate neutrality in the Alps by 2050.


In four workshops we talked about, show and discuss how the Alps can be transformed into a carbon-neutral region. Good practices from pilot regions in all Alpine countries and success stories of climate protection, improving quality of life, were presented. The workshops took place between autumn 2012 and spring 2014 in several Alpine towns.

Initial conference

At the initial conference held on 27 and 28 October 2011 in Chambéry participants discussed the policy requirements for energy, transport and the economy in order to reach climate neutrality in the Alps. Concepts for good climate governance and effective means of communication to engage the population were presented. Working groups further discussed policy measures, strategies and challenges of selected aspects of climate neutrality. Participants learned about good practice examples of sustainable climate protection initiatives by taking part in a half day excursion in Chambéry.


Duration: July 2011 – June 2014
Partners: Slovenian Government Office of Climate Change, European Academy of Bolzano, Amt für Raumentwicklung und Geoinformation des Kantons St.Gallen, Veneto Region – Industry and Handicraft Department, Rhônalpénergie-Environnement, Office of Forests, Nature and Land Management/LI, UNEP Vienna - Interim Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention, Ecomodel Achental/D, CIPRA France, Lombardy Foundation For The Environment, Federal State of Vorarlberg/Department of economic affairs, Soca Valley development centre
Financed by the EU Alpine Space Programme