Technical innovations alone are not enough to reduce CO2 emissions. On the contrary, residents and visitors to the Alps must change their lifestyles. The “Youth Alpine Express” project saw this change as an opportunity for a better quality of life and now encourages young people from all Alpine countries to try out new forms of mobility in an experience-oriented way: Climate-friendly, conscious and mindful travel becomes an adventure in itself and creates free space.
The journey to the Expo in Milan was one of four stages covered by the “Youth Alpine Express”. The project continued on 25 and 26 September in Ruggell/LI, where CIPRA was holding its annual conference on the conditions for social change, and in March 2016 in Bassano del Grappa/I, where the Youth Parliament for the Alpine Convention YPAC met. The last stop of the “Youth Alpine Express” was AlpenWoche, organised in October 2016 by the major networks and organisations in the Alps together with the German and Bavarian ministries of the environment.