Sonthofen ©

Sonthofen’s 15th year membership anniversary

Sonthofen also has reason to celebrate this year, because 15 years ago, Germany’s southernmost town was awarded the title of Alpine Town of the Year

Much has happened in Sonthofen since then. Efforts to act sustainably have been at the center of all considerations since 2005. Also currently the orientation of Sonthofen towards sustainable mobility, such as the development into a bicycle town or the conversion of the railroad station area into a mobility center are milestones in the implementation of the demands of the Alpine Convention. Unfortunately, it was not possible in the Corona Year 2020 to organize a celebration with all Sonthofers to mark the anniversary.

However, Ingrid Fischer as 2nd mayor and member of the board of the Alpine Town of the Year Association did not miss the opportunity to organize a cake for the birthday boy and hopes for a celebration with the people of Sonthofen next year.

Picture: Kerstin Spiegelt