CIPRA (Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Alpes) is an autonomous non-governmental, non-profit umbrella organisation that has been committed to the protection and sustainable development of the Alps since 1952. CIPRA engages with projects, communication and political work to preserve the natural and cultural heritage, maintain regional diversity and solve cross-border problems in the Alpine region.
Since 2003, CIPRA International has, at first alone and since 2019 with the Oxalis-ValMonti consortium, been running the office of the “Alpine City of the Year” association. The multilingual office is where the threads of various international networks come together, encouraging exchanges, recounting success stories, providing new impetuses and jointly initiating projects. The accumulated knowledge allows experiences from the Alpine countries to be absorbed and new activities to be developed. Cooperation between CIPRA, the Association and the various municipalities is highly productive, especially in the area of climate change and youth participation in the Alps, with many projects now launched such as the Tour des Villes, Local, YouTurn and Alps 2030.